Welcome to the blog (https://msgorhamsabcs.ca/)! My name is Kourtney Gorham, M.Ed. Registered Psychologist (Provisional) #1189 and I look forward to collaborating with you on my inclusive education journey! I am working as an Advocacy and Behaviour Support Consultant with Prairie South School Division #210 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada. I received my Masters of Education in Educational Psychology in 2021, my Certificate of Extended Studies in Inclusive Education in 2017, and my Bachelor of Education in 2015 with a specialization in K-12 Inclusive Education and Secondary English from the University of Regina. In my spare time, I coach Special Olympics Active Start and Fundamentals programs. I have had the opportunity to sit on the Moose Jaw Special Olympics Community Executive, volunteer with Campus for All, work as an Autism Interventionist, and work as a Senior Counselor at Camp Easter Seal Saskatchewan. Through these endeavors I continue to learn about those with varying abilities, differentiated instruction, and inclusive environments. My professional interests include assessment, teaching early literacy skills, and equipping learners with co-regulation skills and emotional intelligence. I enjoy reading, spin biking, going to plays with my drama-teaching husband, and spending quality time with my toddler, husband, and cat!

My purpose for creating this blog is to create an electronic portfolio that showcases my teaching experiences, educational philosophies, and passions. Furthermore, my goal is to connect with other educators through resource/idea sharing. Join me on my professional development journey as I reflect about the challenges, successes, and enjoyments of educating the next generation! Please feel free to leave a comment. I look forward to connecting with you. 🙂

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the true goal of education.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I would like to thank everyone who has been part of my lifelong journey of becoming and being an educator. “A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell where her influence stops” – Henry Adams. I am thankful for those in my life, especially my family, who support and believe in me to fulfill the important role we call teaching!

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