ProgramAudienceArea of FocusSession Length
Behaviour Learning CycleStaff TrainingStaff will be trained in the Behaviour Learning Cycle (BLC) process. Staff will learn the steps of indirect and direct assessment, data analysis, plan development, and implementation. They will learn how to identify the function of a behaviour and will be introduced to a variety of data-taking methods. A specific student can be used to explore the process of creating a Behaviour Support Plan (BSP), but the knowledge is transferable to use with future students. Please note that a full BSP will not be created during the session(s) but staff will complete activities and learn the steps needed to engage in the BLC process afterwards.Full: 2 half-day and 2 full day sessions

Refresher: 3 hours
Circle of CouragePreK-Gr. 12The Circle of Courage presentation teaches students about belonging, generosity, independence, and mastery. Staff will be able to use the concepts explored to extend student’s learning throughout the year.1-2 hours
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (Dime Group) Gr. 2-8DIME group can be used for whole-class, small-group, or individual students. The program uses a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) approach to teach students strategies around distress tolerance, interpersonal relationships, mindfulness, and emotional regulation. Students will create a toolbox of strategies to support their regulation. Staff and caregivers will be given basic tips that they can use to extend the learning. 6-10 hours
Educational Assistant/Staff Professional DevelopmentStaff TrainingVarious topics can be explored for staff trainings, EA PD days, and staff meetings such as: connection strategies, co-regulation strategies, data taking methods, effective prompting, exceptionalities, inclusive environments, inclusive teaching strategies, shifting mindsets, task bag/game-based learning, trauma-informed approaches, and writing student-centered IIP goals. Other topics can be explored upon request. Presentations may be delivered virtually or in person. 1-3 hours per session
Empathy and Kindness – Pass it On!Gr. 6-9This presentation by Kourtney Gorham breaks down empathy into four components: acknowledging community, identifying emotions, perspective taking, and communicating understanding. Students will learn through videos, reflections, and role play scenarios. This session is beneficial for classrooms that are engaging in beginning bullying or exclusionary behaviours.4-5 hours
Mental Health PresentationGr. 5-8This 1-hour presentation offers basic preventative strategies that students and their caregivers can use to open their window of tolerance. The Language Matters triangle is used to teach the various stages of our mental health. Participants will receive access to the recording and a teacher/caregiver and student package of resources and supports to extend the learning. 1 hour
MindUPPreK-Gr. 8The 15-session MindUP program by Scholastic covers both psychoeducation and strategies for self-regulation. It fits nicely into the health curriculum, with some connections to English and science depending on the grade level. Staff will be required to implement sessions both with support and on their own.3+ hours with ongoing support
Puppet Work/Early Years Regulation SessionsPreK-Gr. 3Kourtney Gorham can work with individual or small groups of students on specific concerns using puppets and co-regulation activities. Sessions will differ based on student needs.4-8 hours
Red Cross Be Safe ProgramKindergarten-Gr. 3This 15-session program by the Red Cross increases personal safety and helps to prevent sexual abuse of children. Kourtney Gorham has been certified to teach this program. Staff will be required to implement sessions both with support and on their own and can be trained at: 3+ hours with ongoing support
Trauma-Informed Strategies for the Early YearsStaff TrainingThis training session by Tammy Grieve and Kourtney Gorham defines trauma and offers strategies specific to early learners through a regulate, relate, and reason format. Participants will receive access to the recording and handouts to support their students. 2 hours
Video Social StoriesStaff TrainingKourtney Gorham can work with staff to turn paper-and-pencil social stories into mini-movies. All you need is the star of the show and a device that can record! Kourtney has been trained in Carol Gray’s method of creating Social Stories. 1-2 hours
Zones of RegulationGr. 1-Gr. 5The Zones of Regulation by Social Thinking delves into self-regulation for small- or whole-groups of learners. For younger learners, the focus is on identifying emotions and for older learners the focus is on social thinking. Students will create a toolbox of strategies to support their regulation and teachers will learn practical strategies to use with their students. Concepts such as mindfulness, resiliency, and growth mindset can also be explored through Big Life Journal, Class Dojo videos, and Incredible, Flexible You resources. 3+ hours with ongoing support

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