Great things are happening at Westmount! 

Spent a lot of time creating an inviting environment for my primary learners. All the time was well worth it after the first comment: “Wow Ms. Gorham, you’re room is beautiful like you and your boots.” (AKA how to get an A+ part 1).


Thanks to a colleage, I get to walk by this every day. Nice reminder for the students and staff at our school that we are all here for a reason. Kids are often running up to the wall trying to find their prints! #educationweek

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We are lucky to have a wonderful SCC at Westmount! It means a lot to have individuals dedicated to the education of our children! Creating inviting environments like this take time but really is appreciated! Great things happen when we work as a team! #weremember #remembrance2015


Circle of Courage in the office to reinforce our LIP goals/teachings. Looks great!


Celebrating the Holidays!


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