“An event is not an experience until you reflect upon it.” – Michael Fullan

I had the privilege of interning at Mossbank School in Prairie South School Division. Even though it is a small, rural, K-12 school BIG things happen everyday! The teachers at Mossbank school are actively engaged with their Learning Improvement Team goals, which align with the Education Strategic Plan for 2020. Reading is definitely a focus at Mossbank school and programs such as Fountas and Pinnell are used to supplement daily classroom instruction. Furthermore, educators are focusing on conflict resolution strategies and inclusion through Kelso’s Choices and Circle of Courage. The school is a great place to learn and students benefit from small class sizes and passionate, hard working educators.

Mossbank’s extra-curricular activities cannot be overlooked, either. From a Provincial 1A Boys’ Volleyball gold medal to a Student Representative Council that is actively engaged in making their local and global community a better place through We Day fundraisers and activities, there is lots of great things going on and chances for students to shine!

During my four month internship I worked alongside Katie Letnes (Student Support Teacher) and Leanne Rutko (Principal). I was lucky enough to get K-12 experience as a Student Support Teacher and experience with the Grades 11/12 English Language Arts Curriculums. I worked in Kindergarten using PECS, viewing the EYE assessment, and observing exploration and play at work. In Grade 1/2 I got to experience math stations/technology and reading assessment/benchmarking. In Grade 3/4 I taught health (healthy eating and exercise) and guided reading. In Grade 7/8 I taught social justice art. In Grade 9/10 I worked with students one-on-one and helped with homework catch-up. In Grade 11/12 I taught a First Nations inspired ELA unit. I worked one-on-one or in small group settings with students, using Fountas and Pinnell, functional skills assessments, the Circles program and behavioral plans. I cannot articulate how perfect this placement was, how much I value my colleagues and cooperating teachers, and how much I learned… but my blog posts will attempt to do just that!

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