Favorite Instructional Strategies


  • KWL
  • Entrance/Exit
  • Bell work
  • Anticipation Guide
  • Texting in answers
  • Interest inventory
  • Brainstorming


  • Plus, Minus, Interesting
  • Thumbs up/down/side
  • Fist of five
  • Yes/No cards
  • Making connections
  • Determining importance
  • Think-pair-share
  • Inside-Outside Circles
  • Peer-teaching
  • TAPS
  • Jigsaw
  • Carousel
  • Centers
  • Metacognition questions (why did I do this/what did I learn/how can I improve)
  • Examples of ideal
  • Work sheets
  • Drawing for comprehension
  • Graphic organizers
  • Venn diagrams
  • Circles
  • Narrative
  • Role play
  • Talking circle
  • Lectures with objectives, sheets to follow along, activities after, summary at end
  • Inquiry assignment or student-interest assignment


  • Reflections
  • Self-assessments
  • Rubrics
  • Portfolios
  • Interviews
  • Essays


  • Marble jar
  • Proximity
  • Praise students who do it well
  • Give me five = be quiet
  • Continue when silent
  • Contracts (given before for clear expectations)


  • Popsicle sticks
  • Cold call
  • Blend of popsicle sticks with cold call

Favorite Classroom Arrangement


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