Masters of Educational Psychology Courses:

ED 800 (Quantitative and Qualitative Research) – introduction to educational research in both quantitative and qualitative paradigms; critical review of current issues in educational research and interpretation of types of research

EPSY 820 (Theories of Counselling) – exploration of historical and current counselling theories and techniques

EPSY 821 (Aptitude and Achievement Analysis) – reviewing standardized tests, anecdotal records, case studies, cumulative records and other similar guidance tools designed to help in the analysis of aptitudes, interests, abilities, and limitations of students 

EPSY 823 and 827 (Cognitive Assessment 1 and 2) – educational psychology testing measures, such as intelligence testing 

EPSY 826 (Psychology of Learning) – cognitive, symbolic, and motor aspects of learning; focus on theoretical and practical approaches to classroom behaviour, teaching, and counselling

EPSY 829 (Ethics and Professional Practice) – examination of the philosophical, legal, and ethical issues that affect the practicing psychologist/counsellor  

EPSY 836 (Neuropsychological Foundations) – a survey of current issues in the field and an introduction to the physiology of the brain, brain-behavior relations, and classes of psychotropic medications

EPSY 870AA (Childhood Psychopathology) – prevalence, etiology, diagnostic criteria, co-morbidity, and differential diagnoses of mental health problems using the DSM5 for educational/clinical psychologists

EPSY 870AE (The Social Basis of Behavior: Psychological Perspectives) – looking at the social basis of behavior and current research through a psychological lens 

GRST 800AA – academic integrity

Note: Click Here for Educational Psychology 


Education Courses:

ECS 100, 110, 200, 210, 300, 310, 350, 410 – historical and foundational questions about knowledge; emerging teacher identities; anti-bias education; beliefs about how students develop; beliefs about public institutions; education and curriculum as cultural and social practice; issues of planning, delivering, and assessing Saskatchewan Curriculum; forming professional development to evolve as a self-aware and competent educator; professional choices, practices, and policies as they relate to teaching role and law/ethics; assessment and evaluation as beliefs, values and practices and how to asses fairly and equitably

ECE 325 – planning, organizing, and evaluating learner centered curriculum and environments

ECMP 355 – using computers and technology as instructional mediums in K-12



Inclusive Education Courses:

EPSY 322 (Students with Exceptional Needs in Inclusive Classrooms) – introduction to characteristics/implications of disabilities, universal design, and differentiated instruction

EPSY 323 (Design Learning Environments for Inclusive Classrooms) – assessment and instruction for students with diverse learning styles

EPSY 324 (Individual Assessment and Differentiated Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms) – a focus on assessment and instruction for students with diverse learning styles through collaboration

EPSY 326 (Change, Collaboration, and Consultation to Support Inclusive Education) – planning, implementing, and sustaining educational change through collaboration

EPSY 328 (Communication Disorders) – characteristics, educational implications and practical classroom management strategies

EPSY 330 (ASD) – overview of ASD characteristics and strategies for instructional and behavioral support

EPSY 333 (Functional Assessment and PBS) – functional behavior analysis (FAI/FAO/FBA) and positive behavior supports

EISE 332 (First Nations/Minority Special Education) – histories and strategies for minority and FNMI special needs education

ELNG 326 (Teaching English as a Second Language) – principles, methodology, and strategies for teaching English as a second/additional language across all ages

EMTH 355 (Elementary School Math C & I) – curriculum based measure and differentiated math

EHE 385 (Intro to Drug Education) – methods of teaching in regards to physical, social, and psychological aspects of drug use, misuse and abuse, including pharmacological and rehabilitation problems

EPSY 490AB (Specific Learning Disabilities) – strategies around  and planning for specific learning disabilities (learning disabilities)

ERDG 425 (Culturally Responsive Literacy) – designing and implementing literacy assessment and instruction that is culturally responsive

EPSY 329 (Enhancing Inclusive Classroom Management) – theoretical and practical approaches for prevention and intervention of behavioral issues in the inclusive classroom, including positive behavioral support planning

EDPY 476 (Assistive Technology for Students with Special Needs) – assistive technology tools, strategies, and support services from a teaching perspective

EDPY 469 (Principles of Psychological Assessment) – introduction to educational and psychometric theory and practice, focusing on: test construction, administration, and interpretation; validity and reliability; measurement techniques and testing tools that assist with decision-making in regards to aptitude, achievement, and interest; testing accommodations for special needs learners


English/FNMI Courses:

ELNG 300, 351, 350, 450 – methods for teaching literature, drama, and film in high school settings; focusing on theory and content into classroom practice; issues in assessment, linguistic diversity, culture, censorship, and curriculum

ENGL 310AG and 315AE – survey of contemporary FNMI drama, fiction, and poetry; culture as social identity in literature for FNMI/French/English

INDG 100 – survey of indigenous peoples in Canada from their origins to European influence to present day

HUM 216 – survey of Utopian texts from ancient Golden Ages to modern science fiction and the ideal society/improvements

ENGL 100, 110, 211, 251, 301, 302, 387AJ – developing proficiency in critical reading and writing skills through an exploration of composition, modes of writing in texts from middle ages to 1800s, fantasy literature, and Shakespeare’s comedies, romances, histories, and tragedies; expository and persuasive writing; theory and practice




FILM 100 – introduction to motion pictures and basics of cinema

FR 100 – beginner acquisition of basic vocabulary and structures required to develop oral and written communication skills

PHIL 100 – questions concerning knowledge, truth, mind and body, personal identity, free will, morality, politics, reasoning and the existence of God

PSCI 100 – introduction to issues, concepts, and institutions of contemporary politics in Canada and world around us; critical thinking; power, citizenship, democracy, diversity, feminism, and colonialism; civic education

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